It is obvious to me Who the good guys are in this one And who the bad guys are. The bad guys are the ones Who say Israel is a stinking corpse, And should be wiped off The face of the earth.
Trivia Question for March 9
*Question: *Whose famous last words were "What is the answer? In that case,
what is the question?"
*Answer: *Gertrude Stein.
Adsense with ads format "search engine"
Why some people hunting for it?
I've got one, and get very unusual offer, but can't sell, cos with account
in my work gmail.
Spirit of Fascism (essay)
*Taken from A YEAR OF PROPHESYING by H. G. Wells and published in
1925, the following essay, number XLV (pages 285 through 290), demonstrates
that e...
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How to Keep Earbuds from Falling Out of Your Ears
What to do when your earbuds keep falling outEarbuds are a convenient way
to listen to music and other media on the go, while exercising, and when
you don'...
Five words from … Braiding Sweetgrass
Welcome to the latest installment of “Five words from …” our series which
highlights interesting words from interesting books! In this installment,
we le...
YouTube viewing now happens in TVs
[image: YouTube viewing now happens in TVs]
A decade ago, in 2015, smartphones surpassed computers as the *most-used
YouTube platform*. That year, people ...
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A Few Words On Healthcare
I haven’t published anything on here in a long, long time.. Thought it
would be fun to start up again. I wanted to give some stream of
consciousness though...
Nostalgia and Its Cousins
A poignant reflection on nostalgia, grief, and remorse—exploring how we
long for our past selves, navigate life’s choices, and embrace its
bittersweet be...
Charles Oppenheimer, grandson of the nuclear physicist, is warning about
existential threats and says cooperation is the only way we can address
anticucho, n.
OED Word of the Day: anticucho, n. In Peruvian and Bolivian cookery: a
marinated piece of meat (typically beef heart), grilled on a skewer; a dish
of this.
Your AdSense 2022 holiday checklist
The 2022 AdSense holiday season checklist is here to help you get your site
and content ready for the busiest time of year.
Highway Safety Manual User Guide
*Final Book Now Available*
The *Highway Safety Manual* can be used to identify sites with the most
potential for crash frequency or severity reduction; ...
A Stray Bullet
Abandoned as a small child, a young man grows up in an orphanage and later
struggles to survive prison and overcome impossible odds to find God,
4. Fireboy & Watergirl 6: Fairy Tales
Another magical adventure is about to begin in *Fireboy & Watergirl 6:
Fairy Tales*! Join the fearless duo on their latest journey in this online
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Helicoptering is the art...
How To Buy Weed Like A Pro? [Complete Guide]
So you want to buy but don’t know how to order weed? Tired of getting basic
weed from your friends and want to finally venture out and buy exotic
Wildlife is flourishing around Fukushima
Nearly a decade after Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster, researchers have
discovered that wildlife is thriving in the areas evacuated by humans,
despite r...
My First $3,000 Month With My Ecommerce Brand
Can you believe it’s been a YEAR since my last blog update? I have no idea
how many of you will even read this, so I’ll just start out by saying
Welcome, Prashanth!
Last March, I shared that we were starting to look for a new CEO for Stack
Overflow. We were looking for that rare combination of someone who… Read
more "W...
China Expects 2019 Economic Growth of 6% to 6.5%
China lowered its economic growth target this year to between 6% and 6.5%,
bowing to a deepening slowdown that can’t be quickly arrested without
Spooky Sprints.
After tons of work by a lot of us plus plenty of help from friends around
the globe it’s just about time for SPOOKY SPRINTS. It’s about to get real
creepy ...
June’s Member of the Month – Nowlan Savage! First, this post should have
been published 2 weeks ago, but this little thing called moving the gym
came up....
CryptoPrevent Premium 8
CryptoPrevent Premium 8 has been fighting ransomware since the venerable
CryptoLocker, but it's vastly more intrusive than competing products, and
it prove...
Chitika Now Supports Payout to 200 Countries
Chitika is pleased to announce the integration of Payoneer as its default
payment processor. Payoneer allows you to get your funds quickly, securely
and at...
"What's New" Page Retirement
[image: MedlinePlus logo]
Thank you for your interest in MedlinePlus, where you can find
authoritative and easy-to-understand information about diseases, ...
Evaluation Events in Latvia
IDEA NL and seven of its members have developed and implemented an evaluation
project: *From Measuring to Learning: The Impact of Debate Education on
The Old Hoax-Slayer RSS Feed is Retiring
The old Hoax-Slayer RSS feed has now gone into retirement. As of 27th
October, 2016 It will no longer be updated. However, if you still want to
get Hoax-Sl...
Mom Has Stacked Dinner Party Roster
GOLDEN, CO—Their eyes widening in amazement as the 43-year-old rattled off
the names of heavy hitter after heavy hitter, impressed members of the
Human Rights P1
United Nations The United Nations is an international organization
founded in 1945 after the Second World War by 51 countries committed to
maintaining in...
What is the optimal length of a video ad?
All signs point to shorter videos being the way to go, but depending on
which platform you're using - and what you're trying to accomplish there -
that isn...
China ramps up charges against Zhou
China's Supreme People's Court has accused former security czar Zhou
Yongkang of involvement in unofficial political activities with jailed
former Chongqin...
Adsense Breakdown
Its coming up on 8 years ago in a few weeks now since I posted a cheque for
900k for 2 months of adsense revenue. I’m going to post the history of
SEO Tutorial PageRank Value
PageRank is still important in Google search engine rankings, yet I come
across many people giving out misleading details about PageRank (PR) that
it doesn...
Don't look for emergency contraception soon
The Obama administration may have backed down after a decade of fighting
over emergency contraception, but don’t expect to see Plan B, or any other
Last Word To Childhood
Ice-cold fear has slowly decreasedAs my bones have grown, my height
increased.Though I shiver in snow of dreams, I shall neverFreeze again in a
noonday ter...
NULL The electric and super-compact design car
The electric and super-compact design car of the future, beautiful and
futuristic design by Jeongche Yoon. This is the Null, a mobile widget
concept for ne...
Bill Maher Chose Right
One of the reasons I look forward to Fridays in general is that they herald
the upcoming weekend, and also because Bill Maher is on HBO at 10 PM. I
By: SEM Enterprises
I just found out about the The AdSense Notifier extension for Firefox from
the above article! It ROCKS!!! I have what I consider a "Mild" Form of OCD,
so h...
travel and tour desain
For the Francophile, there is no better way to see France. On a bike you
are part of the picture, not just an observer through the glass of your car
Beauty House
Welcome to Beauty House. We believe that good health has a direct bearing
on good looks. There are some simple health and beauty routines that can be
Pressure Sensors and Systems
Pressure sensors and systems by Tekscan provide an array of force sensitive
cells that measure the pressure distribution between virtually any two
mating o...
God Save the Flag a poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes
Holmes Oliver Wendell - Poem
God Save the Flag
Washed in the blood of the brave and the blooming,
Snatched from the altars of insolent foes,
Burning wit...
AdSense Tips for Newbies & Low Earners
AdSense Tips for Newbies & Low Earners
Get my affiliate marketing course for only $10 for a limited time
Travel news: Monte Carlo Las Vegas Update
As of today, Las Vegas' Monte Carlo Casino Hotel remains closed pending the
investigation of last week's fire and the impending repair work. At this
time, ...
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